Shaving Razor

85mm Shaving Razor
It’s made with solid brass and then matt black plated. The compact handle is shorter than most razors, giving you a better grip and more control when trimming your whiskers.
If a man wants to “look good”, a razor is a must. This double-edge safety razor costs less than the electric shavers, and its shave cleanly is much better. It’s easy to use and protects your face well, even though you’re a beginner using this safety razor.
Guarantee, Rustproof for 10 years.
The Details Show
Why this Safety Razor Double Edge is good for the beginner?
We believe using the finest materials ensures the finest endproduct for our customers. Our safety razor is a shavingimplement with a protective device positioned between theedge of the blade and the skin. The initial purpose of theseprotective devices was to reduce the level of skill needed forinjury-free shaving, thereby reducing the reliance onprofessional barbers. Rustproof 10 years.

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